Tuesday 19 April 2016

Overview and conclusion

I am incredibly happy with the project in the end, production has felt like it slowed up until halfway, and in the second half before the deadline everything has slowly started coming together and any doupts dissapeared quicly, as a team we worked very well and I was more than happy to work with everyone, the only dowsides were the missing player character model and concept art.
James and I worked together to solve any problems we had in the coding and game engine and took the game to satisfactory levels, together we were near unstopable and i cannot agee more to James' statement "I couldnt do this without you, and vice versa"

How do I feel about my part of the game? looking at the whole game when the map and gui was put in, made me so happy.
Looking back to the first version of the game:

And then comparing it to the current version:
It cannot even compare, working on a basic prototype, then the paper prototype has helped so much and it helped me understand how usefull paper prototypes are, after making a paper prottype and setting the rules for the game, the coding was finished so much faster.

The moments of pride with this projects last so much longer than they do with any other project I worked on

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