Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Inventory System Progress

Over a period of a month and a half I attempted to create an inventory system. It would work by instantiating GUI prefabs, most of which were buttons and I would be able to click and place images, which would have the item information stored in code and when placed within GUI slots the associated item would be instantiated on the player (if it were an item like a weapon) or stored in a menu that the player could access.

(Figure 1.)

I had errors with this for such a long time because I couldn't figure out how to properly store different item information, make them relevant and instantiate the game object within the scene. The furthest I got with the system can be seen in Figure 1.
I managed to store info on the dice within Figure 1, but I then struggled to figure out how to click and place items A. between menus, to transfer over to the player's inventory. B. between different item slots.
I managed to make basic statistics for the dice items but the amount of time it had taken to reach the culmination of Figure 1. (the culmination of the 1 and a half month time period I spent on this) had taken me too long to believe that I could complete the inventory system.
To improve for the further I believe I could implement a system to check if a slot is filled, and within an if statement I could call a stored game object within the code and make the set active boolean value to true to bring the item into the scene and be intractable by the player. Any statistics this item may affect within the game I would be able to interact with and manipulate like I did within my Level Up script to improve the player's HP and Damage Output.

1 comment:

  1. This blog was very useful to run out individually. To compare other blogs this is different for me. Thanks for sharing!!

    inventory system
