Tuesday 12 April 2016

Character: Lizard Creature

After getting the design for the Lizard creature, I decided to start modeling it straight away as I I found it far more interesting than the human character. The broad shoulders and square face were more akin to my personal beast illustrations and I felt far more comfortable modeling it as i had a better understanding of how it would look in 3D space.

Following an old Dragon-Drawing tip from a book I got as a kid, I started with a box to make sure his form followed a stronger, bulkier build. Extruding the faces and adding sub divisions expanded the shape from the torso to the head and tail, then I extruded the shoulders and legs from the body separately.

This creature had better topology and form than the human character, although I'm uncertain if that is due to preference of character or the skill I have gained from modeling the protagonist.

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