Thursday, 3 March 2016

Paper Prototype

Myself (James) and Prem sat down and paper prototyped the combat system for our game.
(Example 1.)
We started by trying to figure out ways to re-invent our combat system. At the time the turn based combat in our game was based on a system where the player rolls a dice, the value of the roll would be checked against the value of the enemy dice roll, and should the value be greater than the enemies value then the player would hit and cause a set amount of damage.

Prem suggested the addition of a Stamina bar, which we both agreed would help bring a little more skill into the game. I suggested that the Stamina bar should never have a value over 100, where the Health bar would, perhaps, increase through level ups the Stamina bar wouldn't.
 With a Stamina bar more attacks where added, attacks which had been implemented before but had yet to be different to one another through our original combat system; attacks such as Light Attack and Heavy Attack.

We started talking about how we would calculate damage, we came up with the idea that the damage the player does would be calculated by the value of the dice roll multiplied by a value I.E. You roll a D20 (Dice 20) and you roll a 13, if it was a Light Attack then we would multiply that value by 2 so the damage calculation becomes an equation like this: 13x2 = 26 so with that roll a Light Attack would do 26 damage. This would then give value to the dice the player collects and adds a trade off between dice; D6's have a smaller rang but have a greater consistency in rolls, D20's have high values  for more powerful attacks but the range is vast and the consistency of getting above average rolls would be less. Example 1. shows the results we had through play testing, however more play testing will be needed when the system is implemented into the game.
Weapons that the player collects would add a base additional damage boost to the dice roll I.E. You roll a 12 and the sword has a +5 on it so the roll value would equal 17.

We agreed that every action should cost the player Stamina, Heavy Attacks would inherently cost more than Light Attacks. Defending would reduce the damage taken in the turn but would cost Stamina; whilst this makes sense, after thinking about it there would be little benefit to defending rather than just healing. We believe that Healing won't be conducted through an item but rather would cost the player a turn and would have the results affected the same way as attacks I.E. The value of the dice roll will be multiplied and will heal the player that amount, the Heal option would also regenerate Stamina; the trade off is that you won't be able to attack and the enemy would get a free attack on you. So it makes sense to have Defend reduce incoming damage and have a stamina cost but then I believe it would become a dud option, it would never be used as there would be no benefit. You Defend, lose Stamina and reduce incoming damage but then lose a turn to attack so all you've done is stall. I think we should change it so that Stamina is regenerated somewhat through Defending to make it a valuable option, or alternatively we could remove the option to Defend entirely and just have a base reduction to damage through the Player's armour. This is something I will need to discuss with the team and Prem.
There is an option to run away but to discourage fleeing we agreed that running away should have a Stamina cost during combat, at first we thought 50 points of Stamina would be needed to run away but Josh, our GUI artist, pointed out that that is potentially too high an escape bar and that we should think about lowering the value to a more reasonable value such as 25. However many of these values are subject to change when we play test the system for balancing.
(Example 2.)
(Example 3.)
Prem and I also spoke about how the Health bar would function in the GUI (these sketches are based off of the concepts we have received from our GUI artist). We eventually decided that to achieve the effect we like in our GUI concepts, where there are arrows pointing towards a central heart and they have a gradient of colour from red to green from the inside going out to the edges; there would need to be a bar sprite with arrow holes cut out, then there would be a green bar and a red bar, one on top of the other beneath the bar with the arrow cut outs. as the player lost health the red bar would remain the same size but the green bar would start to shrink, revealing the red bar beneath through the arrow cut outs.

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